Lightning Damage Claims

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From among many of the unexpected scenarios that can happen to your home or business, lightning damage is a complete and utter shock to home or business owners that it happens to. We understand that the stress of having to repair your home can be overwhelming, but we can help you to receive all the money that your insurance company should give you.

In many areas, homeowners may not pay much attention to including lightning damage on their insurance, but if you live in Florida, you have experienced the often-crazy weather that we can get. Many homeowners know how much insurance coverage matters here when it comes to weather and that is why many people here already have coverage. Yet even if you do, you should find out if your insurance company is trying to keep something from you.

While you may expect water damage or flooding from a storm that never lets up, lightning comes out of the blue and if it hits your home, it can cause a lot of damage, such as:

Fire damage

Roof damage

Power surges that can destroy home property

Downed trees that can fall on your roof

Damaged hidden electrical lines

Destroyed appliances such as computers, televisions, and more

While the lightning itself may be quite evident and any immediate damage can be easy to identify, there is often hidden damage that is a result of lightning that homeowners should be aware of. If you have recently had your home hit by lightning and you are communicating with your insurance company to discover what you can receive for repairs, we can help you to not only help you with the claim of the obvious damage but also help you to analyze and assess if your home has further damage that may need repairs or costly attention.

There are many things to consider when lightning hits your house or office. Not all the damage will be obvious and this means that an insurance company may try to pull the wool over your eyes. They may try to say that your damaged appliances or items can be repaired at a small cost when the truth is that they are completely damaged or they may try to hide the fact that your home’s electrical lines are just fine when in reality they are damaged and the damage will start to become more evident as time goes on.

Before filing your claim with your insurance, be sure that you are aware of all the damage caused by this mishap and you can do that with the help of professionals who have years of dealing with these kinds of claims and cases. You have already gone through the drama of having your home hit by lightning, don’t go through the drama of not getting all that you deserve from your insurance. At American Premier Claim Consultants, we will use our years in the industry and our specialized expertise to help you.

Also, remember that lightning can hit anywhere, including your office, so make sure that you have insurance for all your property. You can avoid having to fork out lots of money to repair damages when you make sure that your business, and even your boat, are covered in the case of lightning. You will be happy you did, as Florida weather often means a lot of lightning.

If you need help with your claims when lightning strikes, at American Premier Claim Consultants, we provide honest and trustworthy advice to make sure you get the money you deserve after such a devastating blow to your home or business. Lightning doesn’t have to mean a permanent loss to you when you hire us to assess and fight for your claims. We will make sure that you can get back to living like you want to and in the comfort of your home with everything working properly.

Are you looking for the best lightning damage insurance claims company in Florida? Call us today at 844-313-3155 to learn more about how we can help with your claim. We are here 24/7!